I still have a couple of weeks before I have to return to work, so I have been taking advantage of this one-on-one time with JJ. My 5-year-old nephew happened to break his arm last week, so I have also been busy taking care of him while my brother works. When AJ is not injured he is a wonderful helper. I can ask him to run and get things, help pick up around the house, get dressed by himself, etc., and he will eagerly help out with no questions asked. Now that he has a broken arm, I am (of course) having to do everything for him and JJ, and it has not been easy! I seriously do not know how some people do it and now have a new appreciation for moms that do this 24/7 without a break.
JJ seems to be adjusting perfectly. Since arriving home 3 weeks ago he has learned to crawl, pull himself up from a seated position, clap his hands, say "Mama", drink from a sippie cup, and is starting to feed himself with a spoon. He is learning everything so fast; there is no end to this kid's capabilities. He has only gained 1 pound so far, but has grown 3 inches. We are still feeding him as much as he'll eat, which seems like all the time! He has had to get 3 shots so far because he was so behind on vaccines, and he's had numerous tests run - all of which have come back normal.
Jerret calls from work every day and says how much he misses him. He keeps telling me how hard it's going to be for me when I go back to work.
I like the John Deere get up. I know what you mean about staying at home. I am just getting used to it as well. Some days I tink it would be easier to go to work...but I don't want to :) It's great to hear all of his tests have gone well. We go for shots tomorrow :(
Great picture! He is sooo adorable! I have been staying home for years and there are days I'd still like to go to work!! Most days it's great to stay at home though. We also go for shots tomorrow :(
There are some days that are so perfect and wonderful... then there are days when I think I'm going to go running out the door stark raving mad! Today was a stark raving mad day. Xander had the first of 2 big dentist visits (they pulled a badly absessed tooth and crowned 3 badly decayed baby teeth... the second one is to deal with the same problems on his bottom teeth) and let's just say he wasn't quite a little ray of sunshine when we got home and managed to get the other two in a foul mood as well. UGH! Luckily they all found happy later in the day :)
Snea? That should be Shea. Really... it's been a rough day.
Oh! Poor baby! JJ only has 4 teeth right now, but I am worried about them being healthy when they come in. I know you said Xander drank a lot of juice in Kyrgyzstan. Could this have been a major contributor?
I think he was bottle propped as we had some serious issues with him stealing Beckett's bottle and then trying to sleep with it. We have since worked through that, but the damage to his teeth has already been done. Also the poor prenatal care and lack of vitamins probably hurt his teeth too.
Beckett has one tooth that's partially in. Totally freaked me out as it was CLEAR when it came in! It's since turned more white... but it's definitely not opaque!
AP still has no teeth and none even appear on the horizon!
omg...tooth stuff scares me. a clear tooth??
I love the John Deere shirt too. Soooo cute. Also, 3 inches!!! Holy growth spurt batman!! That is great. I can't wait to get Isabel home and give her a good dose of some home cooking. Pureed of course, but nonetheless, home made.
Keep the pictures coming. He is just darling.
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