Wednesday, February 28, 2007


We got it! We got it! We got it! We have been anxiously waiting to hear those two little letters, and Tuesday we finally got a call that said "GO!" So we are leaving to pick up our baby!!!!

We will be leaving in about 4 weeks and have been searching the internet for flights, hotels, information on Kyrgyzstan, and reading all we can find from other families who have made the trek. The crazy part is that we totally missed the call in the first place because the message was left on our home answering machine, which Jerret didn't check after work, and I didn't even make it home until nearly 9:00 that night. I simply assumed he had listened to whatever messages we had and I never bothered to listen to them myself. The next day I happened to be checking the webboard that is hosted by our agency and I noticed one of the other families had a posting regarding their travel dates. Knowing that we had a court date on the same day as this family, I followed my hunch and contacted our agency who said they did have travel dates for us as well, and they were trying to contact us via our home phone. (They wouldn't know that this is a bad idea, but anyone who knows us KNOWS we are really bad about picking up the home phone). I know they have my cell number, as they have called me on it many times, but nevertheless we got the message and are ready to leave!!!

We do know that we are also traveling with two other families from our agency who are also adopting infants. It is comforting for us all to know that we will be going through this process with others who can understand the craziness of it all and empathize with our situations. We are all planning on staying at the same hotel and will be getting our babies from the same orphanage. I can't wait to post his picture for all of you to see!

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